Restoration Games Apk by Restoration Games, LLC


About Restoration Games

This is the companion app for Restoration Games. We are a developer of tabletop games, including "hybrid" games that use an app and physical components together to create a unique experience at the table. The app features modules for different games, including the 1979 classic game of audio deduction, Stop Thief! This app is required to play Stop Thief!

In the game, players are investigators, trying to track down an invisible thief on the board. The app keeps track of how and where the thief moves and plays sound clues and animations indicating the type of space they move into, such as window, door, corridor, and so forth. By listening to the clues, players try to figure out where the thief is and move there to attempt an arrest. Punch in the number of the space, and the app will tell you if you succeeded or not. The app features alternate play styles, such as an intermediate level, where the clues are harder, and even a retro mode that emulates the sounds of the original device. You can even get a private tip: Pick up the device and get information about the thief's location that's only for you. Additional modes of play, such as solo and cooperative, are coming soon, along with even more challenging difficulty levels.

New content will be added to the app all the time, including modules for new games, updated content for existing modules, new play modes or difficulty levels, and more.

Restoration Games APK details:

  • App Name: Restoration Games
  • Current Version: 1.0.0
  • Price: Check in PlayStore
  • Updated: July 31, 2017
  • Content Rating: Everyone
  • Android Version: 4.1 and up
  • Mirror: Openload
  • Developer: Restoration Games, LLC


  • • Free companion app for Restoration Games tabletop games
  • • Includes module required for Stop Thief!, the classic game of audio deduction
  • • More modules, play modes, difficulty levels, and content coming soon

Download Restoration Games apk the latest version:

Enjoy using Restoration Games on your Android! If you find any bugs, mistakes or outdated links, simply contact us. We will fix it immediately.


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